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  • Writer's pictureGreenwich Chamber

Greenwich Chamber announces 31st Annual Whipple City Festival, "Small Town Pride" as theme

The Greater Greenwich Chamber of Commerce is excited to announce the 31st Annual Whipple City Festival will take place on June 16 & 17, 2023 in the Village of Greenwich. Presented by Greenwich Ford and Pioneer Bank, festivities include a parade, live music, food, activities, and vendors. As more details are released, please visit for updated information.

The Whipple City Festival will kick off on Friday, June 16 at 6:00pm with the Whipple City Parade. This year’s theme for the parade is “Small Town Pride,” allowing participants from area towns to show the enthusiasm they have for their communities. The parade will begin at the Big Lots Plaza and travel through the heart of the village. Participating in the parade is free and an entry form, found on the festival website, must be submitted.

After the parade, Road House Rhythm and Blues will perform at the gazebo in Mowry Park. Food and beverage vendors will be available, including ice cream, beer, and wine. Attendees are welcome to bring fold-out chairs as seating in the park is limited.

On Saturday, June 17, starting at 11:00am, the Whipple City Festival continues with a free all-day street fair and block party on Main Street in the downtown area between Hill Street and John Street. Live music, food vendors, and family activities will be in Wallie’s restaurant parking lot and adjacent property. Visitors are encouraged to “shop local” at Greenwich businesses and restaurants. Commercial and informational vendors will be located on the closed Main Street until 6:00pm with the street reopening by 7:00pm.

The festival features a live music line-up for Saturday. Bands will perform on the stage at the backside of Wallie’s property. Local favorite Eastbound Jesus will headline at 7:00pm. Performers include Ragged Rascal at 11:30am, Rusticator at 2:00pm, and Twilight Drive at 4:30pm. Seating is limited and fold-out chairs are recommended.

Throughout the day there will be many activities available for both kids and adults. Free horse-drawn wagon rides are provided by Washington County Draft Animal Association. More details, including activities conducted by local groups and non-profits, will be announced soon.

The annual Whipple City 5K & 10K races will not be held in conjunction with the Whipple City Festival this year and plans are being made for a later time.

Whipple City Festival is a community festival and the proceeds from event sponsorships allow the Greenwich Chamber to present this and other community events throughout the year, bringing out residents and visitors to support our local businesses. This revenue also allows the Greenwich Chamber to administer services for chamber members and serve as a source of information to the public on member businesses.

Parade registration, commercial and informational vendor applications, and details on the Whipple City Festival are available at


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