Robert J. Rodriguez, Secretary of State
NYS Department of State
Ruth H. Mahoney and Havidán Rodríguez, Co-Chairs
Capital District Regional Economic Development Council
Dear Secretary Rodriguez and Chairs Mahoney and Rodriguez:
Please accept the Greater Greenwich Chamber of Commerce’s strong support of the Town of Greenwich and Village of Greenwich’s Brownfield Opportunity Area application requesting funding to complete Pre-development Activities to advance zoning updates and infrastructure upgrades necessary for the development identified and described within the Greenwich Revitalization Plan.
Through extensive public engagement, the DOS-funded Greenwich Revitalization Plan established a vision for the Village and Town that includes reimagined vacant and underutilized sites, highlighting the waterfront, and enhancing connections. As stated in the Plan, there are “four critical components” for each plan recommendations: “funding, zoning, infrastructure, and collaboration.” The Village and Town, as co-applicants, are submitting a funding application to advance zoning updates and infrastructure expansion needed to make the Plan’s vision a reality.
The existing zoning in the BOA study area does not reflect the vision identified in the Nomination. To address this disconnect, a portion of the grant request would fund updates to the Village and Town Zoning to allow the development envisioned in the plan, addressing a critical unknown that can prevent private investment. Within the Town, this will include zoning updates to allow the mix and density of uses envisioned along the Rte. 29 & 40 corridors. Within the Village, this will include modifying the outdated industrial zoning that currently runs along the waterfront, allowing for mixed-use waterfront revitalization and access.
Key sites in the BOA study area also lack water and/or sewer infrastructure, fundamental to development, given the costs and land area associated with providing on-site water and sewer. A portion of the grant request would fund additional planning work needed before water and sewer extensions could be constructed, setting the stage for the development envisioned in the Greenwich Revitalization Plan.
We are certain that your approval of this 2022 DOS BOA Application will serve to address these issues. The Town and Village have a long history of successfully implementing State and Federal funds, and we hope this application will be given favorable consideration for funding.
Sincerely, on behalf of the GGCC Board of Directors,
Kelly Stephen Eustis
Managing Director
Greater Greenwich Chamber of Commerce